You are definitely in the Storm, Panthers and Warriors forums as you are a big fan of all these clubs. That's quite alright but just like in this forum, you are critical of other fans. Usually the issue is over the stupidest things and in situations where you are clearly wrong or confused. You need to chill out and stop trying to portray yourself as something that you're not.
I am not a moderator here.
I don’t attend other forums of opposing teams, other then the dragons (my old team)
I thought he was a troll to begin with.
These places are, for me, are a place to add value to the common cause. Sometimes being critical, but constructive, as well as being positive.
I don’t see much of that from him, to the point he is the first person I have ever put on ignore in any forum. And that’s since 1999 (if I recall correctly) the original league forums.
I am a bit of a see you next Tuesday type of person, I’ll admit. However, I would have put him on mute. He sounds like a serial pest, when I read some of your interactions with him on other forums.