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  • Red
    Red replied to the thread Recruitment and retention.
    Or maybe we are closing in on that Tigers prop. I watched the game yesterday, Tigers vs Warriors. The guy really is a gun prop.
  • Equaliser
    Equaliser replied to the thread Recruitment and retention.
    He's been so good in a few games for us but consistency has always been his problem so it might not be such a bad loss.
  • Equaliser
    Equaliser reacted to mr_c's post in the thread Recruitment and retention with Sad Sad.
    sounds like it sounds like it was a club choice on age to gve him long term deal
  • Equaliser
    Equaliser replied to the thread Recruitment and retention.
    Going to Souths?
  • Equaliser
    Equaliser reacted to mr_c's post in the thread Recruitment and retention with Sad Sad.
    sounds like tpj not staying
  • Equaliser
    Equaliser replied to the thread The Hammer.
    I haven't watched a game, or half a game of Rugby Yawnion in years.
  • Equaliser
    Equaliser reacted to Liverbird with Phins up's post in the thread The Hammer with Like Like.
    All good, I was having a dig at Billy and losing SoS. Christian was good. Excellent support as is needed for rugby. Speed to burn. He...
  • Equaliser
    Equaliser replied to the thread The Hammer.
    I'll take your word for it:). Looks like he was a good support player judging by that vid.
  • Jetty
    Jetty replied to the thread Recruitment and retention.
    Eels Melbourne game will be good tonight. Not because I think Melbourne might put a cricket score on them but because I want to see what...
  • Jetty
    Jetty reacted to Equaliser's post in the thread Recruitment and retention with Like Like.
    @mr_c, can we put this to bed? He is free to negotiate with any other club and free to leave Parra at the end of the season period. The...
  • Equaliser
    Equaliser replied to the thread The Hammer.
    I don't follow Rugby Union at all. I have no idea who Christian Cullen is or was so can't say I'm that impressed.
  • Equaliser
    Equaliser replied to the thread Recruitment and retention.
    @mr_c, can we put this to bed? He is free to negotiate with any other club and free to leave Parra at the end of the season period. The...
  • Equaliser
    No it does not. Blaize may decide to stay, if he wishes, the Eels HAVE NO SAY WHATSOEVER, in whether he does, because the contract is in...
  • Red
    Red replied to the thread Recruitment and retention.
    Club he is with now, Parramatta, have a 10 day right to make an alternate offer and have him reneg on any deal he signs with a new club...
  • Red
    Red replied to the thread Recruitment and retention.
    I just wish both if them, Talagi and Utoikamanu would hurry up and decide. If we could only get one of the two, I'd definitely go with...